All the wood used in the construction of these doors and windows is hand-logged
on a private wood lot on Vancouver Island in British Columbia.

This is the first ever fairy door & window I had. It is on an old weeping willow in our front garden. A lot of people passing by admire it.

My friend has a fairy window in her house and at night it looks beautiful as the firelight flickers and makes it look mysterious and magical.

Lots of people who have fairy doors start a little garden for their elves or pixies or leave them gifts of flowers by the door as it brings good luck when the little folk are happy.

My friend Lydia had her Daddy put a door on a wall in her bedroom so the fairies could come and dance on her bed at night! When he has the time my friend Knobby brings some of the fairy crafted pieces that he finds in the forest. He says they are so delicate and wonders if he could make me some

There are so many things that the fairy doors and windows allow me to do. At Halloween and Easter and Christmas I can decorate the doors and windows and place little candle tea-lights by them. It is such fun for my friends and I. Even our cats like fairy doors and windows!

Click the Picture to play the Fairy Game!

Styled by Carol Abbott who lives in Missouri and has a tiny fairy family who keeps her company on long winter evenings.


© Copyright 2003 The Fairy Door & Window Company. Vancouver Island, Canada